Central Essex is a Dog Training Club, registered with the Kennel Club, setup and run by volunteer dog enthusiasts for dog enthusiasts.
Classes are held on Wednesday Evenings throughout the year (with a short break over the Christmas/New Year) at
Stanway Village Hall, Villa Road, Stanway, Colchester, CO3 0RH.
There are Ringcraft and Obedience classes, including training for the Kennel Club’s Good Citizen Dog Scheme awards, which can help you to get the best out of your dog.
We can offer help and advice at all levels:
- From learning the basic ‘Sit’ and ‘Stay’ all the way up to advanced competition level obedience.
- From entering your first show to competing at Crufts.

Please see our Calendar page for details of available classes.
Bookings and registration for classes MUST be made in person at the hall. Registration is open from 7:30pm. PLEASE CHECK our ‘ Calendar’ page for availability of our Introduction class BEFORE attending to register.
Our insurance requires that everyone attending classes must be a member so please do not bring a dog into the hall unless or until you and anyone handling the dog are a member of CEDTS. A 2nd requirement is that all handlers must be wearing appropriate footwear. We DO NOT allow shoes with heels, flip flops, wedge shoes. Please be prepared to be told to change your footwear if we feel it is not appropriate. We recommend you wear trainers or sensible rubber soled shoes.
We strongly recommend your dog is vaccinated and that you work your dog on a collar, not a harness.
Payments can be made either in cash, by card or cheque.

Dogs attending our classes are expected to be under control at all times. Please note that our trainers, whilst highly experienced, are NOT qualified animal behaviourists so owners of dogs exhibiting behavioural problems, paricularly aggressive behaviour, should seek professional advice from a qualified behaviourist – your veterinary practice should be able to make a referral.