This class aims to build on the exercises learned in the Introduction classes.
Still using ‘fun’ methods for training, handlers will by now be giving, and dogs understanding, both voice and hand signal commands, repeat commands should be eliminated and handlers become proficient in the timing of and appropriate rewarding of their dog.
Class Content
Adding polish to the exercises learned in the earlier classes including;
- improving heelwork further.
- increasing the length of ‘stays’.
Dogs move on to Class 2 where off-lead work is introduced.
£3.00 per dog per class
7.45pm to 8.15pm
Main Hall
Due to the conditions of the Club’s insurance, only members are allowed to be in control of a dog whilst in the Village Hall. Therefore, members of the family and/or friends who wish to train (or even hold) the dog in the Halls must join the club along with the main handler. We strongly recommend your dog is vaccinated and that you work your dog on a collar not a harness.
Membership Costs;
Single – £6.00
Joint – £8.00
Junior – £3.00
Membership runs from 01st January to 31st December